These instructions will help you create an account on the website, as well as fix any problems changing your password or requesting an OTP (One Time Password).
IMPORTANT: Do not enter your address when registering on the website. Only enter your email, name, required checkboxes, password and OTP. No other fields are required.
Passwords require a minimum of 8 characters and the following: 1 uppercase; 1 digit; 1 lowercase; 1 alpha numeric.
- Click on SIGN IN
- On the next screen, click on "Register" (top right corner above Username field)
- Enter your email address and NEXT
- If you receive a message that says "User registered" skip to the last step. If you did NOT get that message, go to the next step.
- Enter your name, check the boxes granting permission for The American Legion to store data, and click NEXT
- Enter password and confirm password
- Click the "Finish Registration" button
- When you finish registration you will receive a confirmation email. Clicking the link in that email will confirm your account. The provided email will be from Please check your junk/spam folder if you do not see this email in your inbox. This step finalizes your account for single sign-on access.
- If you received a "User registered" message, an OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to your email to verify account. Please check your junk/spam folder if you do not see this email in your inbox. The OTP email contains a code that must be entered into the registration form. After entering this code, you will be signed in or presented with additional instructions to complete the process. If you have tried to register your User Email more than once, you may have multiple OTP emails - so, check the email timestamp and use the most recent one. Please note that only the most recent OTP code will work.
If after following these instructions you still cannot sign in, please use this contact form to contact customer service.